Spring 2019 Tuesday Night Marathon Round 3

I’m currently playing in the Spring 2019 Tuesday Night Marathon at the Mechanics Institute in San Francisco. We looked at my games from rounds 1 and 2 in previous posts. In this post, we’re going to focus on my game from round 3. I was white against FM Josiah Stearman (currently rated 2387).

Josiah is a strong young master who has won the Tuesday Night Marathon before on multiple occasions, so I was prepared for a tough struggle.

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Spring 2019 Tuesday Night Marathon Round 2

I’m currently playing in the Spring 2019 Tuesday Night Marathon at the Mechanics Institute in San Francisco. In a previous post, we looked at my game from round 1. In this post, we’re going to focus on my game from round 2. I was black against A-player Guy Argo (currently rated 1909).

The games from this event can be watched live on Chessbomb every Tuesday night. Be sure to tune in!

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Spring 2019 Tuesday Night Marathon Round 1

I often hear strong players repeat that analyzing one’s own games is one of the best ways to improve in chess. However, I have rarely been diligent in following this advice. In the spirit of correcting this, I thought it would be fun to post about some of my own games.

I’m currently playing in the Spring 2019 Tuesday Night Marathon at the Mechanics Institute in San Francisco. This is an 8 week long event (hence the “marathon”!) featuring one game each week. In this post, we’re going to focus on my game from round 1. I was white against A-player Cailen Melville (currently rated 1941), and I decided to open with 1. e4.

Continue reading “Spring 2019 Tuesday Night Marathon Round 1”