Test your Chess Spidey-Sense! (Answers)

Here are the answers to this week’s quiz!

Qc2?? loses to Nxg5 Nxg5 dxc4, winning a piece!

h3?? loses to Nd4! and if Nxd4 then Qxh2 mate.

Nxd5?? loses to e4! Bxe4 Qa4+. Nd5!? is playable since after exd5 exd5+ Nce5 Nxe5 Nxe5 Re1 white will win back the pinned knight.

d6?? loses to b4 Bb6 c5

This is a tough one! Bxf6? loses to hxg3 Be5 Rxh2 Rxh2 Qa5+! c3 Qxe5+!! dxe5 gxh2, making a new queen. Note that white is safe after N3e2 Qa5+ Bd2.

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